
Evolution: My 72-Hour Songkran Journey from Tourist to Local

The first Songkran water fight that erupted around me was a sensory overload. Laughter filled the air, vibrant colors splashed everywhere, and the sheer joy of the celebration was contagious. It was a moment that transcended my role as a tourist and propelled me into the heart of Thai culture. Here’s my story of how a trip to Thailand, and especially experiencing Songkran, transformed my perspective on travel and life itself.


From Tourist to Local: One year ago, I embarked on a transformative adventure that forever changed my perspective on life and travel. It was a journey that transcended the role of a mere tourist, allowing me to immerse myself in the essence of Thai culture and truly connect with the heart and soul of this beautiful country. During my travels, I had the incredible opportunity to experience the magic of Songkran, Thailand’s most vibrant festival. The festivities were a celebration of joy, unity, and renewal, and they left an indelible mark on my soul. Participating in Songkran not only enriched my understanding of Thai traditions but also opened my heart to the warmth and kindness of the Thai people.


Embracing Tradition: The Meaning of Songkran

Songkran is not just a festival; it’s a deeply rooted tradition that symbolizes new beginnings and the cleansing of the past year’s misfortunes. Last year, as I joined the locals in their celebrations, I felt a sense of renewal and hope wash over me, setting the tone for the year ahead.

A Warm Welcome: Arriving in Thailand

The moment I stepped off the plane, I was greeted with warm smiles and open arms. Thailand’s beauty and hospitality were overwhelming, and I knew right away that this trip would be unlike any other.

From the moment I picked up a water gun and joined the festivities in the streets, I knew I was in for an adventure. The laughter, the camaraderie, and the sheer joy of being part of something so special were unlike anything I had ever experienced.


A Feast for the Senses: Exploring Thai Cuisine

Every meal was a culinary delight, from the vibrant street food to the exquisite royal dishes. The flavors, the aromas, and the colors of Thai cuisine were a true feast for the senses, and I savored every moment.


From Tourist to Local: The Art of Giving

Visiting temples, Making Merit at Temples, and taking part in religious ceremonies was a humbling experience. I felt a deep sense of peace and spirituality as I made merit and offered food to the monks, a tradition that has been passed down for generations.


A Time for Reflection: The Importance of Songkran

As I reflect on last year’s journey, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and memories that I cherish. This year, as I look forward to experiencing Songkran once again in 2024, I do so with a heart full of anticipation and joy. I can’t wait to immerse myself in the celebrations, to reconnect with the culture and traditions that have come to mean so much to me.

“Last year’s Songkran journey was a transformative experience that opened my eyes to the beauty of Thailand and its people. This year, as I prepare to embark on this journey once again, I do so with a renewed sense of wonder and excitement. I look forward to the new memories, the new friendships, and the new beginnings that await me. Songkran isn’t just a festival; it’s a celebration of life, love, and the beauty of new beginnings.”

Do’s and Don’ts for Songkran Festival:


  1. Do dress appropriately in light, quick-drying clothing.
  2. Do participate in the water fights and embrace the festive spirit.
  3. Do respect the traditions and customs of the Thai people.
  4. Do apply sunscreen regularly and stay hydrated.
  5. Bring cash: Many vendors may not accept cards during the festival.
  6. Learn some basic Thai phrases: “Sawasdee” (hello) and “Khob khun” (thank you) go a long way.


  1. Don’t use ice-cold water during the water fights, as it can be uncomfortable for others.
  2. Don’t engage in water fights near temples or areas where people are not participating.
  3. Don’t forget to remove your shoes before entering temples or homes.
  4. Don’t bring valuables with you to the festival, as they may get wet or lost.
  5. Touch people without their permission: Respect personal space.
  6. Forget common travel precautions: Be mindful of belongings and scams.

Additional Tips:

  • Check specific city regulations, as some areas may have restrictions on water use or certain activities.
  • It’s wise to consider buying travel insurance to protect against unforeseen circumstances.
  • Research cultural sensitivities and customs to avoid unintentional offense.
  • Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and embrace the spirit of Songkran responsibly!

Useful Links :

Tourism Authority of Thailand



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